2024 - 2025 Mini-Grant Applications
Is there something special you would like to do with your students?
The Colts Neck High School PTSO has once again budgeted funds ($2,500) dedicated to its Mini-Grants program and will be accepting applications through the Spring 2025, as funds remain available. 
Grants of up to $250.00 will be awarded to teachers or advisors who are current PTSO members to help fund materials, activities, projects, etc., that will enhance CNHS student's the educational experience or well-being..
Any member of the PTSO can submit an application.*
Click < PTSO Mini-Grant application > for this school year.

We will accept and reviews applications, as funds remain available. 

 Mini-grant applications will be reviewed and awarded at the monthly PTSO meetings.  

Once total amount of budgeted funds has been awarded,

the Mini-Grant program will close for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Applications are due no later than May 2, 2025 to be considered for the June meeting.

Completed applications can be dropped off to the Main Office 
If you have any questions regarding the application process,
please email cnhsptso@gmail.com
Mini-Grant Criteria
                • Mini-grants should provide student enrichment and enhance the educational experience.
                • Mini-grants are meant to provide funds for projects for which other funding is not available.
                • The PTSO will consider whether there may be other sources available for the money requested.
                • Mini-grants have a limit of $250.00.
                • The amount granted may differ from the amount requested, therefore additional
                   fundraising methods may be necessary to complete program or educational experience.
                • Approved grants are to be used for the specific purpose as stated in the grant application, funds
                     cannot be used for a different program or initiative.
                   • Teachers/Advisors applying for the grant must be current member(s) of the CNHS PTSO*
*To verify membership status, please email cnhsptso@gmail.com

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