Community Service Overview





The Colts Neck High School PTSO organizes and hosts Community Service events so that students have opportunities to get involved in their school and their community, also allowing them to meet some of their required hours of service for specific programs and organizations.


Students can help with the school store, assist with PTSO sponsored receptions, help with clothing drives, participate in PTSIO membership meetings and more.


For the 2022-2023 school year the PTSO will organize a minimum of 1 community service event per marking period.


Current PTSO Opportunities Include:


Back to School Night School Store set-up and staffing

Attendance and participation in PTSO Meetings

Parent Teacher Conference School Store set-up and staffing

Wreath Distribution

Mother's Day Flower pick-up

Annual #SendJoy

Cards/Letters for Military Service members  


We will post and announce days and new opportunities as they become available.









Join us for a fun night!

Click image for info and to register



Click image to order your Graduation Lawn Sign today!

Order by Fri, Mar 21st for early bird pricing!!  



Go to MINTED.COM to order and support CNHSPTSO

Don't forget to enter our discount code to save 20%


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